Word Challenge #7

   I regretted the decision of playing that game with my friends.  I wish I could turn back the clock anything to get my friends back. If you are reading this now, you will never tell anyone about this. My friends and I played a game that had to do with spirits. As the spirits entered our world I could feel the wrath.  We were almost vulnerable to anything, no not almost, we were! As the door slammed, I knew most of us would not survive. It is still out there. Help me I don’t have much time left till I’m-.

2 thoughts on “Word Challenge #7

  1. Wow! What a scary story! Good details! You used first person well, but added second person in one line, so be careful! Also, boldface your vocabulary words.

  2. Ruby, this post was mind blowing. It starts with you just hooking the reader in by saying that you regretted your choice. Then, you explain what happened. That idea was just unique and creepy. Excellent job!

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